Waste Reduction Art Project (WRAP) Environmental Sustainability Art Advocacy

You know what might be even better than art making? Art making for advocacy!

Advocacy art making, also called “craftivism” by many, is the concept of creating art as a form of activism. Using art to advocate, spread the word, and maximize the reach of the message you are trying to spread is an incredibly unique and special way to advocate. WRAPnow is an organization that does just that.

I started working with WRAP - Waste Reduction Art Project, a couple of months ago and am excited to share with you all what this wonderful organization does and how we can all play a part in WRAP’s mission.

WRAP strives to spread awareness surrounding environmental sustainability through art making. Recycling general materials do not always reduce waste to the extent we think it does. Some materials, like most plastics, lose their quality as they are recycled multiple times and eventually become useless, even when recycled. WRAP vision is to turn materials that would typically end up in the trash (or even the recycling bin) into art that can become a treasure to be held onto. Thus, waste is no longer waste, but a beautiful piece of art. This is how WRAP was born (see their full story here). With the support of several incredible artists whose art form is focused on recycled goods, WRAP exists to educate communities about how to preserve our environment in sustainable ways.

In my role as Head of Educational Programming, I do just that - develop and implement educational programming! By connecting with schools in New York City and facilitating workshops we create, we are imparting knowledge surrounding sustainability in a fun, art-filled way. In addition, with my experience as an Art Therapist, I also strive to bring in the amazing impact art can have on one’s mental health.

Now, how can someone like you play a role in WRAP’s mission? By creating your own sustainable art. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, post your recycled art creations, and tag us! Let us know what you are making! We would love to see it :) 

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