Making Art While Social Distancing

How can art help us cope during the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone’s life in some way or another. This is not an easy time and we are all doing our best to cope. Many people have experienced an increase in anxiety and depression during this time. You might be having some of those feelings, maybe stressed about finances, worried about your children’s socialization development, or something else. There is a myriad of feelings and worries right now and making art while social distancing is one way to work through those.

Two of my felted pieces made during quarantine

Art can take many forms

For me, my art has been mainly textile work since the quarantine began in New York City. Throughout all of my Zoom meetings, I crochet and knit. It has helped keep me grounded as I adjusted to online learning. I also began felting regularly. The process of felting is very cathartic because it consists of a repetitive motion of poking a needle into the wool and fabric. 

One of my favorite things about art is that is can consist of any material. That fact makes art universal and accessible to all. Art is not only oil paint on canvas and bronze sculptures; it is sticks and stones gathered from nature laid down to form a mandala, and old cardboard boxes cut up and drawn on to make a 3D sculpture. Raw pasta is a popular art material for young children, but the idea of searching your household for materials is a tale as old as time. Many things can be utilized, from raw food to old clothing to pieces of broken dinnerware. Art is whatever calls to you and any materials that enable you to express yourself.

Searching for ideas?

Materials are one thing, but the content of an art piece is a whole other thing. Many people think that art has to convey a specific message or look a particular way, but in reality, art is an expression no matter what it looks like or “says.” To make art, there does not need to be a certain thought behind the choices. Following your instincts without question or overthinking is not easy for most people, but it can lead to truly wonderful art pieces. I tell people all the time, art can be anything, there is no good or bad art; art simply is. 

Now, this type of free art making might be a challenge for many at first, so I recommend taking a look at this article I published for Gildshire Magazines about therapeutic art making. It has some directive ideas that can be a guide for art makers during this time of social distancing. 

Have questions about materials or types of art making? Let me know here!

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